Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Dead Island Riptide

Dead Island Riptide is the new Dead Island game that continues right after the original. Don't be confused with the title it's not a dead island 2 but more of a part 2 of the orginal.

The game continues right after the ending of the orginal. A raging monsoon hits the survivor's helicopter causes them to land on a militiy ship but the virus has found a way to stay alive on the heros causing the majority if the ships crew infected turning them into the undead, starting a whole new outbreak. The ship is taken away by a riptide making them land in the island of Palanai in the South Pacific. The ship landing on the island may have caused the island to be infected because of the hundreds of infected crews members getting out and attacking the uninfected people of Palanei.

New features
-New Mutated Zombies
-Grenadier Zombie, which can throw grenades at survivors
-More zombies on screen at any one time (meaning more zombies and less lag)
-Unlikly for zombies to respawn to add realizism but the game is going to try and handle this in a more intelligent and complex fashion. Zombies will reappear depending on how the game will take into account if the player is on a mission, how recently the players last passed through, the character’s condition, whether the player is playing in a group and plenty other factors also.

Players and Co-op
-Players can keep their progress from the orginal game and tranfer to Riptide
-You can play with other players that not your exact level now
-When a player disconnects from multiplayer it with have no more glitchs but simply a notification  with say that player disconnected
-Players will not have to wait to get gun as long as they did in the orginal because they will get guns right away.

-Environmental weather.  huge part of the engine overhaul has focussed on adding big weather effects. It's mean't to add tension and change the atmosphere of the game to make the player to try make up new stratgies and the player's survival will be trickier.
-The only way of transportation is by boat to get the new island near Palanei
-Zombies can pull the players off the boat
-This island is vastly changed and different from Dead Island's orginal Banoi island.

-New weapons and guns are added
-Weapons have better durablity

That's the website currently has to offer and the game will be released in 2013 so stay tuned to it's offical website Dead Island Riptide.com.

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